Blur In Stereo
Listen on: Spotify / Bandcamp
This EP is a collection of various beats I created over the past year. These tracks helped during the downs and reinforced my smile during the ups. 
It’s a fairly diverse sonic palette, filled with all the happy accidents & FX experimentation I could cram in.
Listen on: Spotify / Bandcamp
Short three track EP this time; had fun with these and finished them up a bit quicker than usual. Turns out making music is more fun when you don't second guess initial instincts!
"Roadtrip" is an atmospheric epic; my first voyage into a sound design driven experience [have a hunch more will come]. "Moonbounce" is a dance number with big room energy. And there's something so whimsical about "In The Room", I fell in love with this track many times.​​​​​​​
Blur In Stereo
Listen on: Spotify Bandcamp
Earlier this year, a slip on the bike took my summer plans and dominant hand out of contention. Feeling defeated and needing something to do, I started tinkering in Ableton. After a STEEP learning curve, I set a goal to make a mixtape from the period. No real expectations, just curious what would result.
In the end, things felt a little looser and more raw– I didn’t clean and crisp things up. But I learned to love that.
So here it is, the result after 6 weeks of letting the left hand take over: 8 tracks strung together into one seamless listening experience. Cheers for listening!